In this article, Certified Wellness Coach & Lifestyle Physician Dr. Sandeep Jassal explains in a simple language...
Does Your Daily Tea and Biscuit Combo Make a Healthy Option?
Imagine your life without the Tea and Biscuit combo especially if you are from north India. For most of us, the moment...
Cold Water vs Warm Water – Which Is Better To Drink?
There is a confusion about the benefits of drinking Cold Water vs. Warm Water. Through this...
8 Healthier Strange Tips About Coconut Water
To feel cool in the scorching sun we all need to rehydrate & refresh our senses. The green soft tree-nuts...
Lactose Intolerance Or Milk Allergy- Know the difference
Many times you must have met a child, with symptoms of discomfort after consuming dairy. Sometimes, these signs are...
Lose Weight The Healthy Way These Navratras
Navratras are believed to be the most powerful and auspicious days in the Hindu religion. In order to empower oneself...
Which Is Healthier, Green Tea Vs. Milk Tea?
If we try to think about the most consumed drink in the world, then tea will come second to none but water....
Aloe Vera Juice – A Miracle Drink For Weight Loss
Aloe vera –the cactus like plant with fleshy stem and spiny leaves is commonly found in your kitchen gardens. Ever...
How To Make A Perfect Cup Of Green Tea
Green tea can help you lose weight if brewed in the right way The flavonoids and caffeine in green tea can help...
Lose Weight Drinking This Three Ingredient Natural Fat Burner
Working out in gym, running in the park or hot weather might make us sweat, but sweating is just not enough to lose...
5 Simple, Safe And Effective Tips To Reduce Belly Fat
Tips To Reduce Belly Fat Don’t eat plain sugar and avoid sugar-sweetened drinks Added sugar is very unhealthy. It has...
Top 10 Healthy Eating Tips – Do’s and Don’ts
Every time you eat or drink, you are either feeding disease or fighting it. You have the power to change how your body...