Protein powders have become very popular in India, among athletes and health enthusiasts. They are seen as a way to...
Kuttu/Buckwheat for Weight Loss During Navratras
Buckwheat, commonly known as kuttu is a plant which is an integral part of Navratri diet. Kuttu is gluten free and can...
Mangoes- Can Mangoes Make You Fat??
Mango, king of fruits, is a summer speciality and a storehouse of essential nutrients. But as we know, too much of it...
7 Health Benefits of Drinking Enough Water
In this article, Certified Wellness Coach & Lifestyle Physician Dr. Sandeep Jassal explains in a simple language...
How to Handle Social Events When You are On A Diet
For those who don’t know us, we are a team of highly motivated health professionals headed by me Dr. Sandeep Jassal...
How to DETOX after Diwali or Festive season?
Looking for a simple home remedy to get rid of the heaviness, bloating & constipation? In this article, we are...
What is Tragacanth Gum and Health Benefits of Gond Katira
Tragacanth Gum / Gond Katira is a plant gum. There are amazing health benefits of Gond Katira / Gondh Katira which the...
Does Your Daily Tea and Biscuit Combo Make a Healthy Option?
Imagine your life without the Tea and Biscuit combo especially if you are from north India. For most of us, the moment...
Top 12 Ways To Eat Healthy In Navratri Fasting Diet Tips
In this article, we're going to explain top 12 ways to eat healthy in Navratri fasting diet tips. It is important to...
6 Recommended Exams Diet Tips by Certified Nutritionist
Dear Parents & Students, the exam season is around the corner. Coffee might seem like a favourite answer to how to...
Healthy Option in Indian Snack For Dieters?
You often have to go out for a party but you are following a diet plan for weight loss. You wonder what is a healthy...
Enjoy Healthy Delicacies of Lohri Festival
The festival of Lohri is around the corner after one full year…Let us share with you today the health benefits...