Ganpati Bappa Moraya – Oats Ladoo Recipe

Ganpati Bappa Moraya – Oats Ladoo Recipe

happy-ganesh-chaturthi-2016Ganesha Chaturthi is the Hindu festival celebrated in honour of Lord Ganesha.

This is a very auspicious day celebrated all across the country to pray to Ganesha ji, so that every new activity that is started is successfully completed without any obstacles.

The primary sweet dish during the festival is modak or ladoo. These ladoos are really high in calories and the people on weight loss diet may not be comfortable having these ladoos, so here is a recipe which gives you the taste and fullness of having a ladoo and yet not adding much of calories.

Lets all say, ‘Ganpati bappa Moraya’ and relish these sumptuous ladoos.

Oats Ladoo Recipe


1cup roasted oats

2 tsp dry dates powder

2 tsp Ghee for binding

¾ cup jaggery

1tsp cardamom powder

Cashew nuts & Almonds for toppings


Mix all the ingredients (without cashew nuts and almonds) and put them in mixer.  Grind them till smooth.

Remove the mixture and make small balls (Ladoos)  of the mixture.

Now put a toping of cashew nut or almond on the ladoo and serve it.

One ladoo gives approximately 100-120 Kcal and these can certainly be relished on this auspicious occasion without fear of adding much of the calories.

5 Reasons Why Diets Fails?

5 Reasons Why Diets Fails?

5 Reasons Why Diets Fail

Each day of the year, thousands of people begin a diet program with the intent of losing weight. And people do lose the weight and keep it off, but sadly a great number of people become frustrated and quit early in their diet programs. Discouragement leads to depression, which in some cases leads to an emotional eating and henceforth gain weight instead of losing it. If you are one of the sufferers of this trauma because of repetitive failure inspite of the best efforts. The points to be considered are….What went wrong? Why did the diet fail? Why was the only thing lost money from your bank account, not the fat banked in your body?

Let’s analyze few reasons why you can’t stick to your diet …

and how to fix them

1.It doesn’t fit your lifestyle and it’s arbitrary…
When you say you’re going “on a diet” it may also mean, at some point, you’ll be going “off your diet”. This often happens when people try to adopt a diet plan that doesn’t fit with their daily schedule or routine and happens most commonly with people who are made to follow arbitrary diets. Maybe it needs a lot of food preparation and you just don’t like to cook for yourself, or don’t have time. Maybe there are too many restrictions, you quickly get bored, or you can’t find anything you can eat when you go out with friends or family.

How to overcome: Instead of trying the latest fads and unsupervised “diet”, to shed weight, focus on making lifestyle changes for the long term. If you don’t have time to cook or don’t enjoy it, seek out recipes that are quick and easy, and gather knowledge about low calorie foods served in your favorite restaurant.

2.Your expectations aren’t realistic…
Once you’ve decided to “go on a diet”, and loose the extra kilos, you may have high expectations for your weight loss specially if you find yourself making a lot of sacrifices. Like in most of the cases, you may also expect to lose more than you can safely achieve over a period of time, you’re just setting yourself up for failure.

How to overcome: First, know that a safe and reasonable rate of weight loss is up to about a kilogram per week. And recognize, that when you’re working to establishing healthy new habits, it’s natural to deviate once in a while. Rather than letting this diet slip turn into a diet fail and giving up altogether, you must try to learn from your mistakes and allow some time for the new habits to get best results.

3.You don’t change your surroundings
What is available around you has a big effect on your eating. There are temptations all around you, and if you don’t take charge of your environment, it’s just too easy to give in. Replace the grocery around you, in your kitchen, pantry and even in your office desk.

How to overcome: Replace tempting, high-calorie foods out of your house with healthier items. Rather than a jar of candy on your desk or a bag of cookies on your kitchen counter, put out some fresh fruit or protein snack bars. Cut up some fresh veggies and put them in the most visible spot in your refrigerator where they’ll be the first things you see. Stock your freezer and pantry with healthy choices like boiled chana salad, quinoa salad or bean salad, so that you always have what you need to put together a healthy meal.

4.You skip your meals
Very often, people think the quickest way to weight loss is to just eat as little as possible and skip meals. This leaves them hungry, tired and cranky … and craving sugar and caffeine to get them through the day. Skipping meals and snacks usually doesn’t help you lose weight, because you’re likely to just eat more at your next meal and this is disastrous for weight loss.

How to overcome: Establish a regular eating pattern that will keep you from getting hungry. In general, people feel the need to eat about every 3-4 hours during the day, which means you need at a minimum three meals and a snack in the afternoon. When you know you’re going to eat every few hours, it makes it easier to control your portions at each meal and snack, too. And make sure that each meal and snack provides some low-fat protein to help keep your hunger under control.

5.You eat for emotional reasons
If you turn to food when you’re feeling depressed, angry or stressed. If one is depressed or stressed, the best resort to settle this is good food, I mean faulty food .If you find yourself eating when you’re not really physically hungry, you’ll want to work on finding other ways to make yourself feel better.

How to overcome: When you get ‘emotional’ or ‘stressed’ and feel the need to eat, take a moment to stop and simply think what it is that you’re feeling, is this hunger or just thirst. Rather than ‘stuffing down’ the negative and guilt feeling with food, just let it subside. You can also tell yourself that you’ll wait 5 or 10 minutes before giving in and believe me, chances are you’ll get busy doing something else and forget about eating altogether. Exercise is one of the best mood-lifters around.

So go ahead and overcome your shortcomings and follow a diet which is customized and tailored JUST FOR YOU…!!!

Top 9 Health Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water Every Morning

Top 9 Health Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water Every Morning

Health Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water

1. Boosts your immune system
2. Balances pH
3. Flushes out unwanted materials
4. Decreases wrinkles and blemishes
5. Helps keep mouth bacteria free
6. Prevents respiratory problems
7. Helps in throat Infections
8. Excellent for weight loss
9. Works as a blood purifier

Why Women Are More Prone To Weight Gain

Why Women Are More Prone To Weight Gain

Why women are more prone to weight gain and not able to lose easily? If you are trying to lose weight and having trouble, you have many reasons….

trying-weight-loseI can’t diet…I feel lethargic and weak if I diet… I can’t take out time to exercise…

I have to do laundry, grocery, drop n pick kids, guests are coming, my mother is sick and there are such numerous excuses a woman may have. I consider these to be barriers in a woman’s good health and deprive her of the benefits of enjoying a good body.

It is commonly observed that women often find it harder than men to shed excess weight. In part that’s because women’s bodies have a tendency to “hold on” to a certain amount of fat. But in most of the cases, the problem can be due to some faulty habits and lifestyle traps, which can easily be remedied.

Watch out if you are falling or already fallen in the traps of a faulty diet or lifestyle, which is a hindrance in your weight loss…

1.Skipping Breakfast: You are a busy bee in the morning hours and the worst outcome is skipping the breakfast. Your metabolism is like a car. If you don’t put fuel in the tank, it won’t run. And skipping breakfast helps ensure that your fat-burning metabolism never gets out of the driveway. And remember …breakfast skippers never lose weight. Have healthy breakfast ..!

2. Lack of adequate sleep: Sleep deprivation can lead to increased levels of cortisol, a so-called stress hormone that seems to stimulate the appetite. Stimulation of the appetite can prove disastrous for your weight.

3. Thyroid Disorders: Some women have trouble losing weight because of a hormonal problem. The Thyroid gland, located in the neck, pumps out hormones that control your body metabolism. If the gland’s output isn’t high enough, it is sluggish or slow, a condition known as hypothyroidism, the weight can pile on and stay on. This thyroid trouble might increase your weight-loss difficulties; you can get your hormone levels tested. If you have a deficiency, effective treatment is available, consult an endocrinologist.

4. Stress: You are managing home, office, kids, family and your staff….it can be very stressful. It’s hard to lose weight if you’re always stressed out. That’s because stress triggers the body to release cortisol, an appetite-stimulating stress hormone. Even if you’re not feeling typically hungry, stress can cause mindless snacking. 

Instead of eating, what can you do when you feel stressed? Go for a walk or take a series of deep, relaxing breaths.

5. You are not eating enough: Some women have trouble losing weight not because they eat too much but because they eat too little. 

Typically, consuming less than 1,200 calories a day puts a woman’s body into “starvation mode.” The metabolism slows, meaning it takes longer to burn each calorie consumed. 

Increasing the daily calorie count up a bit can speed weight loss.

6.Failing to exercise: Even though women want to, still they can’t take time out for exercise. Many of women aren’t getting enough exercise to lose stubborn weight. About 60 minutes of exercise each day is very important. 

And don’t just restrict yourself to walking, running, and other aerobic exercises, strength training boosts body metabolism a lot longer than does aerobic exercise.

7.Medicines may cause weight gain: Nearly all sorts of prescription medicines can cause weight gain, including steroids, which are commonly used to treat asthma and other inflammatory conditions, some contraceptive pills and certain antidepressants. 

 If you think a drug might be contributing to your weight problem, ask your doctor.

8. Uncontrolled Eating: If you have a healthy appetite, it’s more important to pay attention to your portion sizes. It is an essential part of an effective weight-loss regimen. 

When you’re stressed out or tired, it’s very easy to forget when your hand goes into the cookie jar or the savory snacks. By the end of the day, it all adds up. Know when you’ll eat, and how much. And snack not on cookies and other sweets, but on healthy, filling natural foods. Nuts and raisins are a great option – in part because nuts help keep you feeling full for a long time.

Most of you already know that eating less and moving more are the keys to dropping extra weight. But if you’re already doing everything right and can’t seem to lose weight or are even gaining it you may have a hidden health condition that’s sabotaging your efforts and your enthusiasm. I strongly advocate, besides weight gain or an inability to lose weight, if you notice fatigue, hair loss, dry skin, joint pain and muscle weakness, heavy periods, increased sensitivity to cold, even depression please consult your doctor. I hope you will consider these suggestions and this indeed will boost up your morale and fasten your weight loss.