Peas: Tap a pack of frozen peas on a hard surface to loosen, then lay the bag on where you are black ‘n’ blue. The bag fits the contours of your body and the cold melts away the inflammation caused by the bruise.

Radish: Grate a piece of radish, add a squeeze of lime juice, a pinch of salt and sugar, stir, swallow.The pungent vapours will clear up your chest.So try not to hold your breath while you swallow .

Spice bag: Tie 1 tablespoon ajwain in muslin into a sort of bean bag as large as your palm. Run against a hot iron, and then place against the chest or on the sinuses.

Salt: To clear a stuffy nose, mix 1/4 teaspoon table sea salt in 1 cup of boiled and cooled water. With a dropper, place 2 or 3 drops in each nostril half an hour before meals, and at bedtime.