LLM Show-Dr Deepak Joshi Spinal osteoporosis

 In this health talk show, Dietician Pallavi Jassal talks about Spinal osteoporosis to Dr. Deepak Joshi, Spine surgeon from Fortis Hospital, Mohali.

Age advancement comes with a lot many ageing-related changes such as greying of hair, shedding of teeth, joint pain etc…
Yet there are certain degenerative changes that seek attention or else can worsen the condition. One such a degenerative disease is “Osteoporosis” which is due to weakening of bones due to mineral loss from the bones when they become prone to fractures.

Dietitian Pallavi Jassal & Dr. Deepak Joshi discuss various aspects of Spinal Osteoporosis including the following questions:

What is osteoporosis?

Weakening, hollowing of the bones with the advancement of age, due to hormonal influences causing immobility.
This is not mere calcium, mineral deficient condition but also involves protein deficiency that builds up the entire bony structure of the body.

How is spine influenced by osteoporosis?

The spine is the most affected bony structure due to Osteoporosis as we have 33 vertebrae.
This condition drains the bone of its entire “mineral and protein content”.
Simple falls and accidents can hence sometimes cause serious fractures resulting in prolonged disability.

– Who all are at risk of Osteoporotic Spine Fractures?

This is no disease. Bone density does declines with age and many other factors coupled with it such as gender(females are more prone due to hormonal influence), sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy food intake, tobacco, coffee intakes etc. Many medical conditions such as thyroid, gastric, renal ailments etc..

– What if Osteoporosis is ignored?

This is majorly asymptomatic. General back pain etc is not an outcome of the same. This rather makes bone too prone to fracture then shows the symptoms.
If a bone gets osteoporosis, there are 20% chances for the same another year, and a 100% chance of its fracture in the coming 5 years.
So this manifests into multiple fractures upcoming.
The condition requires adequate rest.

– What are its diagnostic investigations for osteoporosis, and the treatment followed?

Diagnosis involves X rays (shows fractures & reduced density etc).
We also require a bone mineral density (BMD) scan for the same.
Treatment involves prevention and that can work with diet.
Intake of more of milk, curd, etc.
Calcium supplementation, etc too can work.
Regular exercise is also mandatory.
Avoid sharp structures, obstacles etc and maintain an easy path.
This otherwise can manifest into Parkinson, osteoarthritis of knee etc.
Serious osteoporosis requires medications. This further includes the ones that would “improve” them and another that “stops its weakening”.
We also need surgical treatments for the complex causes such as osteoplasty etc that gives instant relief to the patient.