You know you are going to fast all day, so load up your self with correct NUTRITION so that it is a healthy fast. Wholegrain bread with some cottage cheese in it instead of potato. Try having bran roti or oatmeal instead of paranthas.This will make sure you get some proteins along with carbohydrates. To avoid developing acidity and gas, make sure your meal is low-fat and sugar, it will not be heavy on the stomach. Add a lightly sugared sweet as this will avoid the hunger pangs later in the day. Enjoy your favourite ‘Feniyan’ with little or no sugar or with jaggery. Have at least 1 fruit and nuts like almonds, walnuts, dates or fig to go with it. This will add a concentrated source of energy to your meal. Adding coconut water or lemon juice instead of plain water will adds essential electrolytes, which will keep you energetic the whole day.