What is Optimal Nutrition & how does Integrated Medicine help in promoting Optimal Health & Wellness?

What is Optimal Nutrition & how does Integrated Medicine help in promoting Optimal Health & Wellness?

Optimal nutrition is different from nutrition in the sense that nutrition merely prevents deficiencies, where as optimal nutrition can promote vibrant health and prevent degenerative disease. Optimal nutrition goes well beyond RDA (recommended daily allowance), correctly implemented, it has power to decrease the incidence of heart disease, cancer, stroke etc. It can increase work productivity, lower health-care costs, save marriages, increase intelligence, prevent birth defects and increase the quality and length of life.
In addition to it, Integrated system of Healthcare is a unified best possible combination of modern medicine & diagnostics, age old systems of Naturopathy, Yoga & Ayurveda (the ancient Indian system of medicine) which has classified the human bodies into three basic types, namely Vata type body, Pitta type body and Kapha type of body. Our programs integrate Optimal Nutrition with the type of body you have, in accordance to Ayurveda. This method has worked wonders in a number of our clients.


“If the diet is wrong
Then medicines are of no use,
If the diet is right then
Medicines are of no need.”
From the Ayurvedic texts-500BC

Congratulations! You’ve just taken first vital step to take responsibility for your health. That’s no small endeavor. In fact, your diet should get far more importance than what the fuel for your cars is getting today. You see more media attention & promotional campaigns for enriched petrol, diesel, CNG etc. than nutritionally right food for human consumption today. Why can’t we take our bodies more seriously than our cars, it’s high time that we start doing it……now!